Our society has reached its limits and there is an urgent need to act. In just over 150 years, we have gone from 1 to 8 billion inhabitants without fundamentally changing our models and lifestyles. Yesterday's recipes, most often subject to the short term of politics, no longer work, most often attacking the consequences rather than the causes.
Planetary issues are environmental, economic and social, forcing us to act urgently. No one will arrive alone. It is time to become responsible and take control of our destiny by involving all of us, citizens, politicians and businesses, in this great challenge. The challenge of the 21st century.
The digital age makes it possible to rethink modes of communication, exchanges and models of value creation for a more responsible and enlightened society. It is also a source of efficiency by promoting sharing, pooling and placing the user at the center of the decision-making process. It allows the transition to a service economy, favoring use over ownership and involving all players in the value chain around new economic models.
In this context, data is at the heart of this transformation. It is the reflection of our individual or collective actions and behaviors and their impact on our environment. Its governance represents a global issue directly impacting the governance of our society.
In 30 years, digital technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, structurally changing the way we exchange and interact. While it is positioned at the heart of our society to respond to current challenges, particularly societal and environmental, it is also potentially synonymous with social regression, loss of freedom and ecological disaster.
At a time when certain countries seem to have opted for digital technology to serve the power of control and others to favor digital technology to serve the power of money, these two options can also coexist.
That of a digital technology put at the service of preserving social, environmental, economic balances and enlightened and responsible citizens because they are better trained and informed.
This is a refoundation of our society. Everything needs to be rethought, the codes and rules governing
our society, law, economy, culture, education…
Faced with this civilizational change, is it not time to define together the elements of structural change necessary to bring about a digital society synonymous with human progress and not enslavement and impoverishment?